Then you can go ahead and expand those rows to the edges with office, commercial, and industrial. Fill in the rows 1,3,5-7,9,11 that are assigned to specific zone types gradually. Once those are filled in, start on the mixed rows depending on what’s needed. One extra thing to keep in mind while zoning. Your industrial zones need uneducated workers, at least until they level up to level 2/3. You probably have very few of those, due to your excellent educational system. So you will need to make sure that there is enough unemployment that people with higher education will go ahead and fill those jobs because they can't get anything better. You can see your current unemployment rate in the population info pane (you want something in the 5-10% range). The simplest way to get there is just be much more aggressive with residential zoning than the other types. If there is any residential demand at all that is what you should be going after. Keep an eye on your water, sewer, and electrical capacity, and expand them as needed. You may also need to add some additional incinerators.

The four corners of each grid are great places for them. However, you also need to fill up 5 dumps for an achievement and 7 cemeteries to unlock buildings. So before getting more incinerators, I would place some dumps. I did 4 along the top edge, mostly next to incinerator plants, and the 5th on the west edge of the city. Being next to incinerators will enable you to empty them fairly quickly if you can’t use the collapse trick. You may want to turn off your incinerators so there is more garbage for the dumps. #HOW TO ELEVATE ROADS IN CITIES SKYLINES FREE#.#HOW TO ELEVATE ROADS IN CITIES SKYLINES PC#.#HOW TO ELEVATE ROADS IN CITIES SKYLINES MOD#.